Jesus in the Old Testament

Please note in the top right corner of this video you can see that this video is part of a series of 27 messages.  Click on the icon showing 1/27 to see the other messages in the series. 

In this series we will seek to understand how the New Testament finds Jesus in the Old Testament in order to learn principles that will guide us in our own reading of the Old Testament so that we can discover Jesus there as well. This message is about laying a foundation for seeing Jesus in the Old Testament by surveying what Jesus said about Jesus in the Old Testament and seeing how the book of Acts models preaching Jesus from the Old Testament. In fact, all of the New Testament seems to be built on the idea that Jesus IS in the Old Testament. This is the first video in a series on how to find Jesus in the Old Testament. Here is the video I did reviewing different translations.    • Can I Trust Bible...   For other videos in this series (as they are added) click here.    • How to Find Jesus...